Tuesday, August 16, 2011


There's been less time to update the blog because of all the running around that's going on. The about me page was updated today to be a little more in touch with what's happening, particularly the projects that are becoming more of a time consumption.

With that in mind, I finished one book of six to get a fresh look on web design. The next book that was recommended was HTML5 For Web Designers, which was written with HTML5 not being complete in mind. At just under one hundred pages, it should keep me busy for the rest of the week outside of work-related things.

It's been really interesting writing up the code for CTDJ. I've gone through about 4 designs by now, and every time one looks okay, a better one comes up on paper. The plan was to have a workable demo for them by Friday--I'm keeping the current design for now and showing that to them once I work out all the grits.