Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to JavaScript

I'm getting much more comfortable working around html5 and css3 (I know, behind the times, right?), so I thought I'd spend this week working through Eloquent Javascript. I started it a bit ago, but when the job hunt became much more intrusive to time (as in, frequent interviews and the like), the exercises were put off to the side. Since I'll be working as an intern doing front end development until the end of the year, it makes sense to make JavaScript the language I learn.

Eloquent JavaScript is 14 chapters long, with 2 appendices after. This learning gameplan will be two chapters daily until it's done, then go back and read through the Web Standards curriculum over at Opera for JavaScript, improving my usage with websites.

Next in the book list is Responsive Web Design. I'd like to get to Hardboiled CSS first, but I'm waiting for my hardcopy to come in the mail.

Will try to keep up with the learning part of the blog as I get through the chapters this week. Till then!