Friday, September 9, 2011

Web Designer Wall

I'm a big fan of this website.

While the work week ramps up, this page has been really effective in helping me figure out the more advanced things in css, and in turn, creating some really cool experiences (well, I think they're cool) on the web.

Web Designer Wall

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Short Term Goals

Productive day today. Finally decided to play around with the CSS on the blog. It's not quite the way I want it yet, but it's new and much better than what was there originally.

Few more opportunities arose.

Working with my younger brother to fix up the Citations drum and bugle corps website (aka, teaching him what I know so he can ditch Dreamweaver, and prettying up his designs). It's cool so far. I have much less say in the design, but he's appreciating what I've done so far, like balance out the site to a better grid, clean up the CSS and HTML so it's readable, etc, and I've liked what he's put together too.

Completely redesigned on paper CTDJ. I wasn't happy with the final product that I released to them a few weeks ago, so I went back to the notebook. I think this next design will be much more ideal and a lot more modern.

Finally, working on a structural engineering website for a small firm. I'm really excited for this one because the communication has been solid so far. Also have some really nifty ideas--hoping to maintain and preserve the original website while making it look very portfolio-ish.

JavaScript: Finishing chapter 4 of Eloquent. Realized why I had such a hard time to get through it last time--the examples are nice, but so far it's not very applicable to web design, and I don't think the problems are very clear about where the data comes from, especially since some of it is stored on the webpage without you know what it looks like. Ah well, I'll keep moving forward. It's been easier editing and fixing bugs in javascript already written since it's somewhat easy to follow when formatted okay.

Otherwise, counting eggs sounds good right now.


Fork Me on Github

Something about this banner always bugs me.

I want to fix it.