Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rails for Zombies

It took me about 4 hoursish to get through all of Gregg Pollack's Rails for Zombies training, which is really just a short introduction to its infrastructure, the mvc framework, and some quick guides on making models (which looks like are just Ruby classes) views, and controllers. Honestly, I think it was a bit much for me to do over two days. Pollack suggests learning Ruby code first, which after a couple weeks of Rubying, I honestly feel "okay" with it, but aside from some design details, I don't see much of Ruby in Ruby on Rails. Maybe I'm not looking at it correctly, but it felt like a completely new language to me.

I'm going to review all of this tomorrow and post something a bit more insightful to show what was learned and then design a blog app using my own material instead of Google's. Unless this becomes a complete blunder, expect a transition by the end of this week to a own domain, which will include this blog in Rails, a personalized about me to toss the website, and whatever other nonsense I can come up with for it. Should have a better idea of what that will look like tomorrow. In the mean time, time to continue fooling around with Rails.

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